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Simple hacks to slay the scorching heat

Heat is the number one enemy of any girl and why should it not be? Sins like bleeding lip colors, melting foundation, crease lines, sweaty frizzy here are scorching heat process for all the results of the melting heat outside. Especially for us desi girls living in some of the hottest countries, summertime can be a big struggle for us.

We can edit, put the filter, or photoshop our pictures and put them up on social media to look flawless but hat about in action? That is where we need to look flawless as well. To fix that problem for you, we are here with some tips for both your natural-goers and makeup freaks to help you look flawless no matter how bright the sun shines outside!

Hydration is the key

As an old school or traditional as it may sound, we still cannot emphasize it enough because this has been true since ions now and what problem is it out there that water cannot solve?

With the sun shining so bright onto us and resulting in sweating, that can leave our bodies extremely dehydrated resulting in a lethargic and dull look overall. When your body is hydrated, all the toxins are flushed out of your body and your body remains cool from within which obviously shows on the surface as well.

Exfoliate the dullness away

Exposure to harsh sun rays can result in can trigger the skin’s normal aging cycle, result in dark spots and an overall dry and dull look of the skin.

Moreover, the sweating on top of makeup or even sweating on its own will end up clogging your pores trapping in all the dirt and resulting in the formation of black and whiteheads. Sweating also results in excess sebum production on your skin which can result in you either breaking out or even having acne.

So be sure to use your exfoliator twice a week to remove away all the impurities and dead skin away from your face to reveal a radiant and glowing complexion.

Reconsider your makeup choices

Wearing heavy and matte makeup every day in this heat is bound to make you look like a melting mess. Rather than using a full coverage foundation and caking up on your face, try cutting up on that and stick with either just concealer or a bb cream to get that protection from the sun as well.

Once you skip on the foundation you will realize that the concealer and bb cream work way better in this weather than your foundation. It will not clog your pores or melt away by the end of the day, but it will keep you feeling pretty light throughout the day and will keep your skin looking fresh.

Of course, you can carry along a compact powder to freshen up your look if you feel like it. Skip away on your heavy lipsticks or lip-gloss as well. They will melt down in this heat and the color is bound to bleed making you look like a clown in worst cases. Rather stick to a tinted balm or a lip or cheek tint. A matte lip paint works equally fine as well as it sticks for longer to your lips and the color does not bleed as well.

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Apart from these things, your personal hygiene matters a lot in the summer season especially. Always keep a hand sanitizer with you because you never know whose sweaty hands have touched a surface and you surely don’t want those germs. Moreover, sweating may also result in bad odor or the body and the mouth so always carry a spray mist and chewable mints to keep yourself fresh all day.

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