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Keto Diet – Myths vs. Reality

Pretty much, everyone, these days want to give this type of diet a try. The major contributors to the hype around this diet are the celebrities and influencers. Who claim that they have seen a huge difference in the minimum time possible with the help of the keto diet.

Going on a weight loss journey is never easy; hence we all look for shortcuts whenever we are trying to lose weight. Keto diet seemed to present a shortcut for many looking for such a solution. While this diet might have worked for a few. It will not necessarily work for everyone. Apart from that, it is accompanied by many lasting side effects that can indeed not be ignored.

What is the keto diet?

Keto diet puts our body into a ketosis mode by limiting the consumption of carbs in our diet. This means that you will have to completely give up the use of rice, flour, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and all such things. That can be a potential source of carbohydrates. This leaves you with very few food options to choose from, such as poultry, meat, eggs, butter, etc.

Body Enters Ketosis

What happens when your body enters ketosis is that as now your cells cannot use the sugar from your bloodstream. As you have completely cut down on the carbs. The stored fats in your body are broken down to be used as a form of energy. Hence, all the fats from your body will start to get consumed, and your body’s overall fat percentage will go down.

A high-fat consumption rate for energy is a major reason why some people notice a significant weight loss in less time on the keto diet. As you will be limiting your protein intake as well, apart from losing the fat. You will also lose a lot of your muscle mass as well. Another reason for the use of protein from your body is that your cells will not rely on the protein as a source of energy.

An important thing to note here is that you will have to restrict. Your carbs intake to just between 20 to 50 grams of it in a whole day when you start your keto journey. However, everybody type reacts differently to every nutrient. So if you plan on going on a keto diet and want it to be effective for you. Get your own meal plan designed to your body type.

You must know that this diet is highly individualized. Hence what is suitable for another person might not be suitable for you. Even a little amount of extra carbs, more than what is required for you, can completely make your body come out of the ketosis process hence, the whole diet will become redundant.

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