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Hair masks to deal with quarantine stress hair problems

These few months have been pretty hard on us in so many ways. To ideal hair problem that you may be facing use hair masks. Be it our mental or physical healths, both are pretty much in shards. On top of that with these salons closed for an unattended time, our self-care and beauty care is also suffering greatly.

To deal with all the hair problems that you may be facing right now and to compensate for the missed parlor appointments, we are here with some hair packs to help restore your hair’s health and make it look all flawless again.

Hair Mask Methods At Home

Mayonnaise and aloe vera hair mask

Mayonnaise goes great with burgers, sandwiches, salads, and hair. YES! Hair! Who knew it could do so many other things rather than just being delicious. Mayonnaise is packed with good fats and all the protein from eggs and this can really help restore all the moisture into your hair and scalp and make it look bouncy and shiny again.

While on the other hand, stress can also make you break out in your scalp. To deal with that, add some aloe vera to mayonnaise and create a hair masks and apply it all over your hair. The healing properties on aloe vera will help fix the breakouts in your head and will stop the hair fall caused due to it. Use this mask twice a week for 15-20 minutes and you thank will us!

Apple cider vinegar hair masks

For many of you, this mask won’t come off as a surprise. ACV has some great properties. It will help you lose weight, detoxify your body, fix the pH level of your skin, and whatnot. Turns out, it is great for your skin as well! Simply create a mix of one part ACV and one part water and store it into a spray bottle.

Add a tablespoon of castor oil to it if you have an extremely dry scalp. Spray this onto your hair and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before taking a shower. This hair masks will help clear up and buildup or residue on your scalp so your hair hygiene gets better and your hair growth also gets accelerated. Due to its detoxifying properties, this mask is a miracle for you if you have issues dealing with dandruff.

See More:- Hair Matters – Hair Strengthening Oil Review

Banana and Honey mask

Simply mash up a banana and mix it up with a tablespoon of honey and apply this mixture onto your hair and leave it for 40 minutes to 1 hour for maximum results. This mask is great if you’re dealing with dull-lifeless hair. This helps restore the shine in your hair, restores the moisture and helps stop and control dandruff.

It is pretty much an all in one solution to all your hair problems. Bananas are packed with vitamins and are long known to be important in strengthening and volumizing your hair while honey helps protect your hair and restore the elasticity. With so many good things, why not give this mask a try!

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