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Daily Skincare Routine for Acne – Treatment and ideas

Skincare routine

Canceling your plans and the reason is always the inopportune breakouts? Acne is not just acne, but it’s every girl’s worst nightmare. It is the most unwelcomed guest, no matter what skin type you have or what age you are.

The arrival of a pimple is always met with annoyance, most often acne starts right before a family function or a special event when you’re all set to put your best foot forward. Applying layers of foundation to hide acne is not a good solution, let’s find out why this happens in the first place.


Do you know? Your skin has tiny holes which we call pores. When these pores are blocked then acne forms, the reason can be oil on the skin, bacteria, dead skin skills and dirt etc. If you develop pimples or a zit after some time, you may have acne. If you are someone suffering from acne, you really need to figure out what is causing it so that you can beat the root cause and get rid of this.

Genetics is the most common reason for acne and sadly this is something at which you really don’t have any control over. If your parents had/have acne, then you have high chances of suffering from it.

If you have oily skin, then also you have extremely high chances of having it. Excess sebum clogs your pores and once bacteria start growing in these clogged pores, that’s when acne appears on your skin.

Hormonal imbalance plays a very important role in how you look, if your hormones are too less or too much then it can cause you trouble. Hormonal imbalance is one of the many factors that can give rise to acne.

Food items such as dairy, sugar and carbs-rich products can not only cause it, but these can also worsen acne. Giving up on all these aren’t easy, so rather than giving up go for portion control.

Some products are pore clogging, so it is best to read the ingredients before picking any cosmetic product. For individuals with acne water-based products are usually the best.  Besides all these there are many other factors like stress, drugs and much more.

Cleansing is the first thing that should be considered as a must, when you are going for the skincare routine. The routine should always be started by cleansing as it removes all traces of makeup and bacteria as well, for acne-prone skin types gel-based cleansers are great. Cleansers do not only remove the excessive oil and dirt from the skin, but it also improves your complexion, when your skin is clear you feel more confident.

When you are done with cleansing, apply toner to open up the pores. Toners works great on the skin as they prepare the skin for the next step so it can fully absorb the treatment products. Individuals with acne should go for toner with chamomile or green tea as they provide extra hydration. Individuals can also consider using the exfoliating toner with glycolic or salicylic acid, they help removing the dead skin cells and keep your skin hydrated.

This is the most important step in your skin care routine as this is where the work truly happens. People usually have no idea that treatment products are the powerhouse of any skincare routine, this should either be an active serum. While going for a serum, go for the one that has antioxidants or peptides. Always choose treatments that your skin is comfortable with, consult a dermatologist if you have sensitive skin. Different skin types need different solutions, depending on how your skin reacts to products. Never go for treatments that causes itching or irritation as it can worsen the acne.

If you are thinking that what’s next, then it’s the moisturizer as it seals everything in the skin. Do you know? Moisturizes replenishes the skin, hydrates it and provides protection also. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that always go for oil free moisturizer.

Applying a sunscreen on a daily basis is a non-negotiable, regardless of your skin type. Always remember that your skin always needs extra protection to prevent from the rays of the sun. Better to go for a sunscreen that has SPF-50 and has a quickly-absorbing and moisturizing formula.

Tea tree is best for the skin for many reason, one of the them is its antibacterial properties. If you want to treat your acne quick then dilute 2 drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of a carrier oil like coconut oil, mix well and then dab it on the pimple. After applying, wait for a few hours and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera is good for skin as well as hair, it is one of the most reputable ingredients in the skin care world. How it works for the skin is by soothing and promoting the repairs, so repair your acne right away. Take out the fresh Aloe Vera gel, dab it on the skin and leave it overnight.

Honey can do wonders to the skin, even if you don’t have acne but if you have acne honey is still the best for you. A dab of honey is all you need to get rid of acne, it has antibacterial properties which plays an important role in reducing inflammation and encourage healing. Apply some drops on the affected area and leave it overnight, wash off your face next morning for amazing results.

Don’t worry your skin will soon be acne free, having acne doesn’t mean you don’t look good. Confidence is the key to a happy life, enjoy the tips for SKINCARE ROUTINE FOR ACNE

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