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Common hair care mistakes to avoid during winters

As the winter season is just around to corner. We need to gear up and prepare ourselves with all the necessary cautions to avoid its harsh effects on our hair care and skin. Dryness, weak hair, and breakage is pretty common during this weather due to the lack of moisture in the air. Apart from the weather contributing to these factors, we make very common hair care mistakes that often contribute to damaging our hair. We have jotted down some of these mistakes so you can avoid them to have luscious hair throughout the winter season.

Leaving the house with wet hair

Normally what we hear about going out with wet hair is that the cold air outside can affect our health and make us sick. While that is also one reason, another reason. You should not go out of the house with wet hair is that is causing a lot of damage to your hair. The cold air and the dryness outside make your wet hair stiff which then further leads to damage and split ends. Rather, wash your hair either a night before or dry it out with a blow dryer completely. Before leaving the house to avoid excessive hair damage.

Over-washing your hair

It is considered ideal to not wash your hair more than twice or thrice a week. Over-washing your hair means that the texture of your hair will get affected. Moreover, when you wash your hair frequently. All the moisture and nutrients are also washed away hence over-washing can also make your hair appear dull and dehydrated. While ultimately makes it prone to breakage. While your hair Is deprived of moisture. Your scalp acts up and starts producing excessive oil which is why some people tend to have the problem of oily scalp. Hence, tone it down to washing your hair a maximum of thrice a week.

Using hot water to wash your hair

Hot water is not just bad for your hair but it is bad for your skin as well. It may be hard for you to stop using hot water during the cold winter season but it is the worst thing one can do to their hair. Hot water severely dries out hair and pulls out all the moisture from your hair and scalp. It makes your hair dull and frizzy by drying it out which ultimately leads to breakage. Hence while it may seem tempting, try to wash your hair in warm water rather than using extremely hot water.

Not using the conditioner

As cold weather is itself highly drying and pulls out the moisture. Hence our skin and hair both need some extra kick of moisture from some external source. Applying conditioner to your hair after every wash will not only lock in the existing moisture of your hair. But it will also add some extra moisture and shine to it to keep it smooth. Increase the use of serums and oils especially during this season to prevent your hair from breakage and frizz.

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