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6 Ultimate Turmeric Hacks That You Can Try This Season

Turmeric may be a powerful spice that has been employed in Asia for thousands of years; not solely to feature flavor to the cookery however as a medicative herb. It’s been shown to possess major edges for your body and brain because of the many amounts of healing properties it contains, particularly it’s high in antioxidant content and skill to figure as an anti-inflammatory drug agent.

Turmeric Hacks For This Summer

Spice up your food

One way you’ll incorporate turmeric into your diet is to feature it to your roast vegetables, eggs, and meat dishes. You’ll additionally add it to boiling water whereas creating food, rice, or soup dishes.

Drink it as tea

Add one teaspoon of turmeric to boiling water, and add honey or lemon for style for a pleasant ward. This is often one in all the most effective ways to consume it and gain the foremost benefits.

Use it as a face mask

It conjointly will do wonders for the skin. For an easy facial mask, add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to any mask formula. Your skin can feel smoother, softer, and become healthier.

Use it as an acne gel

Its medicament properties are useful for acne-prone skin. You’ll create your acne gel with turmeric and honey and use it as a daily spot treatment.

Use it to calm itching or soothe burns

Mix a small amount of turmeric and Aloe vera gel to assist calm fretful or burned skin – because of its antiseptic properties. This is often particularly useful with bug bites, sunburns, poison ivy, and eczema. Apply a combination of turmeric and Aloe vera gel on the burn and your wound ought to heal in no time.

Use it to treat cracked heels

Take three spoonfuls of turmeric and blend it with a few drops of coconut or castor oil. Apply the mixture to the heels of your feet and leave it for around ten to fifteen minutes before taking a shower. Your feet will turn out to feel soothed and relaxed and with continuous use, your heels can become extremely soft.

See More:-Top 8 Rich Healthy Food Items That Contain Tyrosine

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